Elective Information Stage 5

Elective videos have been created to provide students and parents with information relating to Stage 5 elective subjects on offer at St Joseph’s Catholic College, Aberdeen.

You are encouraged to watch the videos and discuss your course options as a family to ensure you choose subjects that find a positive balance between a student’s academic strengths and general study interests.

For further information about specific course descriptions and requirements, please speak directly with the course teacher or visit the NESA website  https://educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/portal/nesa/k-10/understanding-the-curriculum/syllabuses-a-z to review Stage 5 curriculum and syllabus information.

Please start with the Elective Information video to obtain general information about Stage 5 and ROSA (Record of School Achievement) requirements.


Aboriginal Studies




Food Technology


Graphics Technology


Industrial Technology - Engineering

Industrial Technology - Metal

Industrial Technology - Timber

Computing Technology

Modern Languages (Japanese)


Photographic & Digital Media

Physical Activity & Sports Studies

Textiles Technology

Visual Arts

Visual Design

© 2025 St Joseph's Catholic College, Aberdeen

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