St Joseph’s Resource Centre is a safe, welcoming, and flexible learning environment. It is a place to meet, study, relax, and become connected. Along with traditional resources, students can access online resources and eBooks, construct jigsaws, play chess and draughts, and enjoy other activities.
The library is open from 8.30am each morning. On Thursday afternoons, the library remains open until 5.00pm for homework help and private student study. Apart from being a study space, the resource centre offers a range of information services and student resources, as well as conducting information literacy classes and hosting library programs to help improve student learning outcomes.
A comprehensive information literacy program helps students improve their ability to access and evaluate authoritative information. Year 7 students are taught how to search the resource centre catalogue, locate resource centre items, and access resources using World Book Online. Senior students are instructed on how to evaluate websites for authoritative content, generate references for assignments, search electronic resources such as Informit and Infobase in a strategic manner, and are given assistance with sourcing assignment material.
Staff also promote a range of resource centre programs catering to students across all years. Programs on offer include book groups, war and society, chess competitions, LEGO in the library, and the automotive enthusiast’s club.
The resource centre prioritises literacy by facilitating access to the Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC), to improve student reading skills. The PRC aims to encourage a love of reading for pleasure, motivates students to read more widely, and enables students to experience quality literature. The challenge is open to students from Years 7 to 9 and will help them choose clear reading goals and texts pitched at their reading levels.
Junior students can borrow two resource centre items for two weeks. Senior students can borrow two senior fiction or non-fiction titles for a total of three weeks. Items can be renewed once the item has been returned to the resource centre. Staff can book private study rooms for students and student printing facilities are also available in the resource centre.