Parents & Friends Association

St Joseph’s has an active and enthusiastic Parents and Friends Association (P&F). All parents/guardians of students are automatically members of the P&F and we invite you to be an active participant.

The focus of the St Joseph’s P&F Association is to:

  • Promote the interests of the school and the education of the students by bringing together parents and staff in a spirit of collaboration and close cooperation.
  • Provide a forum for parents to raise and discuss issues related to the spiritual, social and academic development of their children. By attending the P&F meeting, parents are provided with an opportunity to contribute valuable input in the direction of the school and to stay informed of developments.
  • Decide, in consultation with the Principal and staff, how any funds raised by the association are to be spent and help the school to acquire materials and equipment, which otherwise could not be provided. Fundraising is only a small function of the P&F.

The P&F meet once per term in the school office at 6pm. Parents/guardians are also able to join the meeting electronically via Microsoft Teams. Notification of the next P&F meeting will be advertised in the school newsletter and on Compass. All parents/guardians are welcome and encouraged to come along.

The P&F Executive Team for 2025 is:

  • President: Sonia Boyle
  • Vice President: Ann Wagstaffe
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Treasurer: Therese Bristow

The constant aim of the school should be contact and dialogue with the pupils’ families, which should also be encouraged through the promotion of parents’ associations”. - The Catholic School on the threshold of the Third Millennium

© 2025 St Joseph's Catholic College, Aberdeen slot dana